St. David’s National School is a 5 teacher school with a teaching principal, learning support teachers, special needs assistants and ancillary staff. Our staff are dedicated, hard-working team and who want the very best for our pupils.
It is in the interest of pupils, parents and teachers that good relations prevail between school and home. Our school prides itself on the high level of co-operation between home and school. The staff of the school always welcome the opportunity to discuss with the parents any school-related problems which may arise from time to time. With mutual respect, trust and goodwill these occasional problems are readily resolved.
For the academic year, 2024 - 2025, the staff of St. David’s National School are as follows:-
Mrs. Vivienne Rankin - Principal
Ms. Louise Gillespie - Acting Principal and 5th/6th Class Teacher
Ms. Kelly Delaney - Acting Deputy Principal and Junior & Senior Infants Teacher
Ms. Sarah O'Brien - 1st & 2nd Class Teacher
Ms. Naomi Forrest - Special Class Teacher
Mrs. Arlene Hickey - SET (Learning Support)
Ms. Rachael Bramhall - SET (Learning Support)
Ms. Laura Kehoe - SET (Learning Support)
Ms. Marie Halpin - Special Needs Assistant (SNA)
Mrs. Julie Holt - Special Needs Assistant (SNA)
Mrs. Leanne Dunne - Special Needs Assistant (SNA)
Mrs. Claire Kelly - Special Needs Assistant (SNA)
Mrs. Niamh Couch - Special Needs Assistant (SNA)
Ms. Veronica O'Driscoll - Special Needs Assistant (SNA)
Mrs. Rachel Wynne - Bus Escort
Ms. Paula Rooney - Bus Escort
Ms. Avis O'Donovan - Bus Escort
Mrs Miriam Tomkins - School Secretary
The school office is open from 9.00am to 2.15pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and from 9.00am to 1.00pm on Wednesday.
8.50am School receives children and School starts
For safety reasons combined with insurance regulations, pupils should not be on the school premises before 8.50am.
SMALL BREAK - 10.50am to 11.00am
LUNCH - 12.30pm to 12.50pm
Children are supervised in their allocated section of the playground.
1.30pm Closing time for Junior and Senior Infants
Parents should wait outside the main entrance door of the school building. If different people collect your child, please let the class teacher know.
2.30pm Closing time for 1st to 6th Classes
Each class teacher will supervise their pupils to the main school entrance to ensure that the children are collected safely.
All pupils should be collected promptly. Punctuality is essential for all pupils in order to maintain an efficient school routine. There is a sign in / sign out book in the entrance hall of the school in cases where a pupil is arriving late, leaving early or returning to school following an appointment, this book must be signed.
Parents are to send an Absence Note or Email to the school if a child is absent from school for day(s).
We are all aware we live in a very busy world but we encourage parents to be involved in their child’s education. We continue to strive to have positive communication between the school and parents. In doing so, we hope to facilitate discussion in relation to your child’s progress and relevant school information / events.
We use a number of methods of communication (mostly text and email) but including:
Text messages
Phone Calls
School Homework Diary (please check regularly)
Letters / Newsletters home (sometimes information is received from outside organisations that needs to go to parents) please check school bags regularly
Parent-Teacher meetings (Term 1)
End of Year Reports
Should you wish to meet your child’s teacher on a matter that concerns you please do contact the school by phoning, ideally between 9:15am-2.15pm as the school secretary is available to take a message. This is to minimise class disruption during teaching time. The teacher / principal will return your call at a later time or arrange a meeting at a mutually agreeable time if necessary.
Alternatively you can write a note in your child’s homework diary to inform the teacher if you are picking up your child early / reason for an absence / homework was unable to be completed due to an appointment etc.
The School Plan containing Curriculum and Administration Policies are working documents and are updated with changes as needs / new practices arise. Procedures and Policies are available in the “Downloads” section.
Our website also provides access to useful links for both parents and children.
See the School Calendar in the “Downloads” section for school closures.
Emergency closures (e.g. bad weather, power cut...) are decided on by the School / Board of Management. Parents will be informed by text, as well the school buses.
Additional Closures for staff in-service training as approved by the Department of Education may take place and these dates will be notified to you once we are made aware.
Our school colours are grey, white and red. Pupils are to wear school uniform every day except on days there are sporting activities, in which case the school tracksuit is worn. There is a flexible approach to Junior and Senior Infants pupils; they can wear their tracksuits each day. They will be advised by the class teacher as to when school uniform is required.
The uniform comprises of:
Girls and Boys
Grey tracksuit bottoms
Red or White Polo shirt
Tracksuit jumper with crest (available from Richie Whelan's Menswear, Main Street, Naas - 045 897939)
Runners – None specified but PLEASE ensure they are clean and well-maintained. Velcro is recommended for children that require assistance with shoe laces. All runners should be suitable for the weather conditions and activities that are a routine part of the school day such as being in the yard playing games. In the interest of safety wheelies are not permitted footwear.
Label: All Jumpers, coats, bags, footwear, tracksuit jumpers must be clearly labelled with pupil’s name so that mislaid items can easily be recovered. Many children possess similar items and this avoids any confusion and minimises loss of personal belongings.
St. David’s N.S. operates a “healthy lunch” policy. Our aim is to raise awareness of the importance of nutrition and diet while aiding general health and dental hygiene at the same time.
Each child’s lunch should include a selection of nutritious food. Cakes and biscuits should be kept to a minimum. Fizzy drinks are discouraged. Sweets, bars and crisps are permitted at the teacher’s discretion.
There is a dedicated fruit break each day where pupils are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit and / or vegetable.
Pupils are not permitted to have mobile phones during the school day. Emergency calls can be made / received on the school phone by permission of the class teacher.
For safety reasons there is a set down area outside the school for parents dropping off and collecting their children. The small carpark on the right hand side of the school building is for staff / visitor parking only. The spaces directly outside the main door of the school are for school buses only. Please ensure that whoever drops / picks up your child from school is aware of this arrangement.
School transport is available if you are on a bus route and over a certain distance from the school. The School Transport Department of Bus Eireann determines if your child/children are eligible. If you wish to apply for school transport contact the principal or complete an application for transport available online from the Bus Eireann website -
As part of the P.E. curriculum, all pupils have to attend classes for approximately 6 weeks each year at Naas (K.C.C.) Swimming Pool. Information with regard to cost and arrangements are provided to parents each academic year.
Music Generation
To enhance music in Arts Education, pupils have the benefit of a professional Music Teachers. Lessons are provided in class groups. Information regarding costs is provided to parents each academic year.
School Educational Tours
During the academic year, visits to places /exhibitions / shows considered educationally beneficial and that support and enhance the curriculum are arranged for the pupils. Parents are informed of all details and costs.
The Board of Management is charged with for the direct Governance of the School (Education Act 1998). The Board is made up of 8 people: 2 Parents representatives, 2 Community representatives, 2 members of the teaching staff (one of whom is the Principal) and 2 Patrons/Diocesan nominees. The Board of Management has a four year term.
The Board of Management is responsible for the financial management of the school, the appointment of staff, the maintenance of school property and the overseeing of school policies and planning.
Current Board of Management:
Patron / Diocesan Nominee: Rev’d Canon Craig McCauley (Chairperson)
Patron / Diocesan Nominee: Sharon Spendlove
Teaching Staff: Louise Gillespie (Acting Principal)
Teaching Staff: Kelly Delaney (Teacher)
Parent Representative: Jeremy Minihane
Parent Representative: Arlene Bowles McCarthy
Community Representative: Richard Lyons
Community Representative: Claire Bolger
The Education Act, 1998 sets down the role of the parent association: A parents’ association shall promote the interests of the pupils in a school in co-operation with the board, principal, teachers and pupils.
The P.T.A. of St. David’s N.S. plays a vital role within our school community. All parents / guardians are encouraged to become involved. The P.T.A. is affiliated to the National Parents Council (NPC). Our association has adopted its own constitution. Global meetings where all parents are invited to attend are held twice annually. One of these meetings is the AGM where the 12 committee members are selected.
The P.T.A. supports the school by:-
Fund Raising Committee - which raises funds to go towards aspects of the school that the Principal and Board of Management have already decided upon and;
Social Committee - which organises the children’s social events;
Educational - providing assistance to children's learning;
Parental Support - visiting speakers etc.
The Parents’ Association cannot function without the kind volunteering of parents within the school. There are plenty of opportunities to help out with, whether you can volunteer any amount of your time or your skills we are always grateful for your participation. After all, it is always with the benefit of the pupils in mind and that is what it is all about.
Current Parent Teacher Association:
Chairpersons - Molly Finnegan
Treasurer - Paula McLoughlin
Secretary - Anthea Lalor
Committee - the above
BoM Mother's Rep - Arlene Bowles McCarthy
BoM Father's Rep - Jeremy Minihane
Teacher's Rep - Louise Gillespie (Acting Principal)
The Constitution of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of
St. David’s National School, Naas
The purpose of the PTA
The purpose of the PTA is to provide a structure through which the parents/guardians of children attending St. David’s N.S. can work together for the best possible education of their children. The PTA will work with the principal, staff and board of management to build an effective partnership between home and school.
The Aims of the PTA
The aims of the PTA shall be:-
The PTA shall have no power to discuss individual cases. It is not authorised to interfere with the duties or discipline of the principal.
Membership of the PTA
All parents / guardians of children attending St. David’s NS, the principal and teaching staff will be deemed to be members of the PTA.
Membership of the PTA Committee
Work of the Committee
The committee is the team that will manage the tasks of the association on behalf of the members. The committee will draw up a plan for the activities of the association, in consultation with the parents and in accordance with their wishes. The committee will be responsible for seeing that activities are run in an efficient and effective way. The committee will consult with the school principal when planning the programme of activities for the year. The committee will arrange a system for ongoing communication. At the AGM the committee will report to the members about its work. The committee will manage and account for any funds collected by the parent association.
There will be 2 general meetings of the PTA each year where all members will be invited to attend – the AGM at the start of the school year and 1 further meeting in either the spring or summer term. Four weeks notice of all meetings will be given to all members. Items to be included on the agenda must be given in writing to the PTA secretary. The agenda will be circulated 2 weeks before the meeting. Minutes will be circulated to all members
A 75% majority is needed for PTA decisions to be agreed. The voting is limited to one vote per family and it is necessary to be present at the meeting in order to vote.
In addition, the PTA committee will hold a minimum of 1 meeting per term. 2 weeks notice will be given to all committee members prior to the meetings.
An EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) may be held during the year in the event of any important decisions or other urgent business which need to be brought to the attention of all members of the Parent/Teacher association. An EGM may be called either by a majority decision of the Committee or by a written request signed by at least 25% of members. All members may attend an EGM
On appointment from among the committee members, the treasurer will be responsible for keeping the accounts of the PTA finances.
Moneys of the PTA will be held in a bank account which will keep credit at all times. All money shall be used solely for the furtherance of the objectives of the association. Cheques shall be signed by the treasurer and one other member of the committee.
The accounts will be signed off by a third party annually. A written statement of the finances will be presented at the AGM.
Fund raising for the School
Fund raising for the school by the PTA will be done with the prior agreement of the school authorities.
Membership of National Parents Council Primary
The parent association will affiliate to National Parents Council Primary annually.
Changing the Constitution
Changes to the constitution can be made at the AGM. Proposals/motions to change the constitution must be submitted in writing to the PTA committee up to two weeks before the AGM. The PTA committee will then circulate these motions to all parents before the AGM.